Terms Used

We use the date on which we email you confirmation of your place on the Skills & Principles course as being the date of ‘confirmation of enrolment’. We use the terms ‘we / our / us’ to refer to BeeLeaf Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, staff and its Contractors and Volunteers. We use the term ‘you’ to refer to the Customer/Course Applicant/Candidate/Student. We use the term ‘course’ to refer to the BeeLeaf Certificate in Skills & Principles of Contemporary Psychotherapy unit of training.

Cancellations must be sent in writing to info@beeleaf.com or  The Administrator, BeeLeaf House, 34 Grove Road London E3 5AX. (Cancellation Form also available for use HERE).


Cancellation by You BEFORE the Course Start Date

If you cancel within 14 days of confirmation of enrolment you will receive a full refund. No further fees will be due. You will not be refunded the £50 application fee.

If you cancel more than 14 days after confirmation of enrolment and before the course start date you will be charged 60% of the total course fee. No further fees will be due.

Cancellation by you AFTER the course start date
If you cancel on or after the course start date the fees are due in full.

Cancellation by BeeLeaf

We reserve the right to cancel this course where due to circumstances outside of our reasonable control (including, but not limited to, insufficient number of students enrolled for the course) it would not be possible to deliver the course to a satisfactory standard. We shall have no liability for direct or indirect losses or costs which you may incur due to such cancellation. In these circumstances you will be offered a full refund, or you may choose to accept an alternative course that we may offer.


We reserve the right to make changes to the course content, personnel, venue and method used for delivery (online or in person) of this course. We shall have no liability for losses or costs which you may incur due directly or indirectly to such changes. We will endeavour to give as much notice as possible of such changes.


If fees are not received from you in accordance with the payment plan agreed at the time of enrolment, BeeLeaf reserve the right to withhold your certification and/or cancel your place on the course.


If during the course you are found to be **unsuitable to complete the training your place on the course may be cancelled. Fees will only be charged for those weekends of training that will have taken place to date. We shall have no liability for losses or costs which you may incur due to such cancellation.

** See more details below under Codes of Ethics, Conduct & Procedures and Failure to Meet Assessment Criteria.

Codes of Ethics, Conduct & Procedures

In order to be a student on this course you must agree to adhere to the BeeLeaf Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Procedures, details of which are provided at the time of enrolment when we offer you a place. By agreeing to these you become a Student Member of the BeeLeaf Register; Community for Contemporary Psychotherapy (CCP). Any Student who does not adhere to the Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Procedures may be considered as unsuitable to continue on the course and their place on the course may be cancelled in accordance with Procedures contained within the relevant Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Procedures. Fees will only be charged for those weekends of training that have taken place to date. We shall have no liability for losses or costs which you may incur due to such cancellation.

Irregular attendance
In order for you to receive your certificate, attendance is essential for a minimum of 20 of the 22 days of the training. Repeated late arrival, late return from breaks and early departure may also be considered as accumulative irregular attendance. If you miss up to 2 days training owing to illness/unforeseen circumstances you will be offered the chance to return the following year, free of charge, to complete the training you have missed. This is subject to you meeting the course assessment criteria. If you miss more than 2 days arrangements may be made for you to defer to the following year. This is at the discretion of BeeLeaf and will incur a £600 charge.

Failure to Meet Assessment Criteria
If during the course our ongoing assessment indicates that you require improvement at a skills, comprehension or personal development level, we will give you specific feedback and let you know what is required for you to evidence satisfactory achievement for final assessment and Certification. The following processes will be applied.

  1. You will be required to engage in discussion with a BeeLeaf Trainer/Tutor regarding the areas of concern.
  2. If further discussion of the concern is required for you to be able to show improvement you will be offered a tutorial with a BeeLeaf Trainer/Tutor.
  3. During the tutorial best solutions regarding areas of concern will be discussed and may include one or more of the following recommendations by the BeeLeaf Trainer /Tutor, according to your area of challenge:

(a) You may be asked to re-submit written assignments after discussion and guidance from a Trainer/Tutor/Assistant.

(b) You may be asked to demonstrate satisfactory improvement during practical learning activities on the training.

(c) You may be asked to attend to personal development issues in a suitably supportive and professional environment, such as one-to-one therapy with a qualified Therapist of your choosing. You are liable for any fees that may be incurred for such services.

(d) Arrangements may be made for you to return the following year at our discretion.

You must demonstrate a willingness to participate in the above processes and to positively respond to feedback. If you do not demonstrate a willingness to participate in the above processes and/or if realistic improvement in response to feedback is not demonstrated within a reasonable timeframe, you may be assessed as being unsuitable to complete the training, in which case your place on the course will be cancelled in accordance with Procedures contained within the relevant Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Procedures. Under these circumstances fees will only be charged for those weekends of training on this unit that have taken place to date and you may at our discretion be given a letter of Attendance.

Our Right to Amend these Terms and Conditions

We have the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time to reflect changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements and changes in our capabilities.

You will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that you enrol on this course, unless any change to these terms and conditions is required to be made under the circumstances described above (in which case it will apply to bookings previously made by you), or if we notify you of the change to these terms and conditions before we send you the Confirmation of Enrolment (in which case we have the right to assume that you have accepted the change to the terms and conditions, unless you notify us to the contrary within 14 days of receipt by you of the Confirmation of Enrolment).

Terms & Conditions Skills & Principles 2021